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Why is a Sales Presentation Important?


The presentation of an organization or a product combines catchy visual images and selling texts. Content is based on marketing research of target customers. It is important to be able to correctly compose a presentation and present it to buyers. So sales representation is important, especially in particular businesses. For instance, the hotel sales representation is so important to involve new clients.

Using presentations in business.

Business presentations are used:

The presentation, recorded as a file on an electronic medium, allows you to repeat your report at any time and confirm its provisions with illustrative material. To do this, it is enough to run the display on special software.

Preparation: Identifying the purpose, the target audience.

Before you start working with presentation materials, you need to identify the purpose of the document. For example, startups often hold presentations to attract investors and move to the next stage of negotiations. There are reporting presentations, the main task of which is to tell about the results of the company’s activities. But most of it is still aimed at subsequent sales.

When preparing a presentation, ask yourself what the people for whom it is being created need. It would be nice to first find out about the opponents if they are available:

Knowing this information, it is realistic to prepare a strategy that will allow you to neutralize “opponents” and quickly build relationships with supporters.

Typical structure of presentation.

The ideal presentation structure depends on the commercial direction of the enterprise and the goals of the event. But with all the individual differences, there is a typical scheme that you should rely on. Let’s see what it consists of.

Title slide with USP.

The presentation is very similar to a landing page, as it consists of selling texts in abbreviated form, served in the form of blocks. This is especially vividly reflected in the first slide of the presentation and the main screen of the landing page. In both cases, you need to instantly “hook” the client. To do this, explain to him in an understandable way what you are offering. And then show what is the advantageous difference between your proposal and others. That is, you need a demonstration of USP – a unique selling proposition.

Also on the first slide should be the logo of the enterprise, information about the type of activity, contacts for quick communication.

Information about the company.

The second slide often represents the company: activity, time on the market. A brief and concise story about key advantages is needed without “immersion” in the history of the company, boastful statements and excessive reflection.

Well, if your achievements are represented by large completed projects, facts and figures:

You can try a creative design using infographics, timelines, icons.


Here you need to talk about how you can satisfy the needs of the client. Show what you know about his problems and how to solve them. After all, you do it every day.

But in no case should you write about yourself! Describe the benefits that your customer will receive, for example, the speed of product delivery, after-sales service, etc. Show how you solve customer problems, alleviate their “pains”. Give evidence that these are not just words.

This slide is one of the most important in a company presentation along with the title slide. Try to make it as interesting and catchy as possible, based on facts, and not on stereotyped statements like “we are the best.”

Social evidence.

Tell us about your successful projects. Cases can be presented in the form of short stories:

It is necessary to tell in detail, again in figures and facts, how and what you did for other clients. Do not be afraid to talk about difficulties – it inspires confidence. After all, you succeeded, you gave the result. If you continue cooperation – say so: the client has become a regular, he is satisfied with you.

Also, cases can illustrate your statements in the text of the presentation. Evidence for claimed benefits. For example, when promising fast deadlines, show that you deliver the goods in just a week where they are waiting for a month.

Standing out of competitors.

It is important to show that you are doing a little more than others. A little faster. For the same amount, but with greater guarantees. Justify why the client will benefit by cooperating with you.

Features of work with the client.

Briefly, in the form of a diagram, describe the stages of work, what will need to be done (call, indicate, pay, receive) and what the client will receive at each stage. That is, you need to draw a picture of a convenient and understandable interaction from the application to the result, so that the tension goes away, and the buyer gets acquainted with your style of work. Honesty and transparency attract customers and increase their loyalty.

The expertise of the company.

Most buyers are ready to trust entrepreneurs who have licenses and certificates, permits and permits. They will prove the expertise of the company, its competence. All available documents should be shown in the presentation.

It is equally important to show customer reviews of a product or service. They must be detailed and, most importantly, real. You can also show publications about the company in the media.


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