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What You Should Look For When Buying Diamonds?

What You Should Look For When Buying Diamonds?

If you’re shopping for a diamond, it’s only natural to want to get the best value you can. Unfortunately, it’s also natural that there are scammers out there who are willing to sell you what looks like a diamond but isn’t worth the cost of the stone itself, let alone the price of the setting and other accessories. To help spot these diamonds in the rough, take a look at these signs that indicate your diamond may be fake.

One of the great things about diamonds is that there are many factors that can help you identify them and determine if they’re real or fake. The first thing to do when buying diamonds is make sure you look for certain tell-tale signs, such as inclusions and flaws, that aren’t visible at first glance. If a diamond does have flaws, though, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not genuine—the best way to know for sure is take it to a professional appraiser who can also help identify other aspects of how genuine a diamond might be. In addition, make sure you pay attention to color and clarity grades; a lower clarity grade will usually indicate fewer (and larger) inclusions than higher grades of diamond.

What to look out for when buying diamonds online

The ATA estimates that $15 billion worth of fake diamonds sold every year. That’s an alarming number, and one you can avoid falling victim to by learning how not to duped by fakes. The best way to avoid getting ripped off? Buy from a reputable dealer who has both expertise and confidence in what they’re selling. Fakes are often easier for untrained eyes to spot than you might think; here’s how you can tell if you’re buying or selling authentic stones.

Describe Diamond Making Process Machine

A diamond’s sparkle caused by its reflection of light off countless crystals. The bigger, brighter and whiter these crystals are, the more brilliant it appears. But not all diamonds are created equal. Some manufacturers use lower-quality carbon or glass-like substances in place of real diamonds; these stones won’t reflect as much light or appear as white. Expert gemologists trained in identifying fake diamonds can usually spot them at first glance, but they may have trouble differentiating between fake and real gems if they aren’t thoroughly familiar with genuine gems. For example, some colored glass has tiny bubbles in it that imitate flaws seen in genuine diamonds; other imitation gems are made from cheaper metals that resemble gold and silver.

Diamond Making Process & planning

Once you’ve got your rough diamond from an artisan or broker, it will then go through a multi-step process that includes cutting, polishing and setting into jewelry. This is where knowledge of faceting comes in handy. Faceting is when skilled Diamond Planning cutters remove as much unnecessary material as possible so that what remains is cut precisely into shapes like squares and rectangles (rather than being left in its original round form). The skill of faceting determines how beautiful and valuable your finished product will be – so make sure that when you buy loose diamonds, your seller actually knows how to do it!

Diamond Scanning Services

You can find an online diamond scanning service, but it’s best to use a professional jeweler that has been certified by one of many jeweler trade organizations. Make sure you verify their certification. Once you are at your trusted jeweler, ask them if they offer any types of diamond scans. If they do, make sure you know what included in their scan and what type of quality they get from it. Some jewelers will sell special equipment that lets them see inside diamonds; others only use standard X-ray machines and magnification techniques.

When it comes to spotting fakes, there are plenty of diamond scanning services that will take x-rays of your diamond and let you know if it’s real or not. Theoretically, these services should be able to tell you exactly what a genuine diamond looks like by comparing your stone with an actual reference sample. However, these scans can often be very expensive (sometimes upward of $100). you’ll still need another expert opinion from someone who knows diamonds well enough to understand what they’re looking at in the scan image. There are also some less formal methods for spotting fakes which we’ll cover here.

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