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What Halal and Haram Mean in Islam According to the Quran and Hadith

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“Halal” is a Quranic word that means “allowed,” “legal,” “lawful,” or “permitted.” Haram, however, means forbidden, illegal, or illegal. In Islam, some things are allowed, called Halal, and things that are not allowed, called Haram. The Quran teacher, we should try to do the things that are allowed (Halal) and stay away from the forbidden things (Haram).

Allah Almighty said in the Quran what Muslims aren’t allowed to do: “O you who have believed, eat from the good things we have given you and be thankful to Allah if you worship Him. He has only told you not to eat dead animals, blood, pig meat, and things that have been given to other gods. But whoever is forced to do something, neither wanting to do it nor going over the line, is not guilty of sin. Allah is Kind and Forgiving. (Quran, 2:172-173)

These words are often used for food, meat, cosmetics, personal care products, drugs, ingredients, and things that come in contact with food. Some things are not clear, whether they are halal or haram.

All foods are considered halal in Islam unless the Quran or the Hadith say they are not.

Officially, halal foods don’t have any ingredients that Muslims aren’t allowed to eat because of Islamic law (Shariah). Processed, made, produced, manufactured, or stored with tools, equipment, and machinery that have been cleansed according to Islamic law.

A Hadith says that Allah will not accept a person’s prayer if they eat something that is against the rules (Haram). All foods are considered Halal, except those listed below, which are forbidden (Haram).

It is explained in more detail in the Holy Quran:

“You are not allowed to eat dead animals, blood, pig meat, or anything that has been given to a god other than Allah. You are also not allowed to eat animals killed by strangulation, a violent blow, a head-first fall, or the goring of horns. You are also not allowed to eat animals that a wild animal has eaten, except for what you can kill before it dies.

You are also not allowed to use divining arrows; that is a very bad way to disobey. Today, those who don’t believe have given up on stopping your religion, so don’t be afraid of them. Instead, be afraid of me. Today, I have finished your religion, given you all my blessings, and approved Islam as your religion. But whoever is forced by hunger to sin even though they don’t want to, Allah is indeed forgiving and Merciful. (Quran, 5:3)

Besides food, the Quran also lists forbidden things that are not food (Haram).

In the Holy Quran, God SWT says: Say, “My Lord has only forbidden immorality, both what is obvious and what is hidden, sin, oppression without cause, associating Allah with something He hasn’t given you permission to do, and saying things about Allah that you don’t know.” (Quran, 7:33)

So, whoever stays away from things that aren’t clear clears his religion and his honor, and whoever gets involved in things that aren’t clear will end up doing something wrong, just like a shepherd who grazes his sheep near a sanctuary but doesn’t go in. In fact, every king has a sanctuary, and Allah’s sanctuary is the things he tells people not to do. In the body, there is a piece of flesh that, if it is healthy, makes the whole body healthy. If it is sick, the whole body is sick. It’s the heart, for sure.”

Muslims should follow these rules about what they can and cannot eat and drink. May Allah give us the strength to follow His teachings daily? Ameen

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