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Top Reasons to Choose React Native for Mobile App Development

react native app development

Cross-platform app development using React Native becomes the new trend of today’s tech world.

React Native is an open-source framework, introduced by Social media giant “Facebook” to develop cross-platform applications. The framework utilizes JavaScript as the primary programming language and hence very easy to learn for JavaScript developers.

The framework uses JavaScript as the core programming language and thus is very easy to learn for JavaScript professionals.

But you must be wondering why should you use this platform? The simple answer is that developers have to create one single codebase for both platforms, Android and iOS.

There are many big companies such as Facebook, Instagram, Tesla, Skype which are utilizing the React Native app development services and have accomplished the desired outcomes. Most importantly, React Native for mobile app development is cost-effective too.

If you are considering building an application with this platform, you must know everything about it. Let’s take a look at the key benefits of using this platform for mobile app development.

Benefits of using React Native for Cross-Platform App Development

Faster App Development

When compared with Native app development, the cost of developing cross-platform applications using React Native would cost low.

Apart from that, the time taken for building a mobile app with this framework would decrease to half when compared with Native app development. Thanks to the coding reusability.

Code Reusability

This feature will be one of the finest reasons to use the React Native development, and many developers around the world feel overwhelmed by such a feature.

If you have sufficient experience, you can integrate more than 85% of development by reusing the code for the various operating system.

This feature saves the development time and lots of effort of the React Native developers and also lessens the development cost.

Optimal Performance

If you want to enhance the performance of your application with native modules, React Native is probably the best framework for you.

With native components, React Native develops the code freely and upfront for both OS. As it utilizes a different thread from UI and API, performance is improved.

Large Community

The community of React Native developers is very strong and you can take full advantage of such a large community. You can always find the right solution if you were stuck in development. Being Facebook’s product, React Native received great support from the social media community.

Whenever you feel stuck in your development work, you can raise a question in the community and get a fast and trustworthy solution from talented React Native developers across the globe. Similarly, you can likewise share your knowledge and experience in the community.

One of the finest platforms, GitHub React Native Community, allows developers from all over the world to share their learning and updates in the community.

Hot Reloading Supports

Live and Hot reloading features are one of the prime reasons behind the accomplishment of React Native for cross-platform app development. Confused about live and Hot reloading? Don’t be confused, both are different features.

At the point when you do any changes in the development cycle, Live reloading refreshes the whole application. You need to do the changes and save it, live reloading will restart your app to make the changes live.

The hot reloading feature only refreshes the file where you make the changes. With Hot reloading, the application state will remain the same and new style or changes will be live without any navigation back.


Indeed, who isn’t thinking about saving costs along with developing a mobile app? React Native assists businesses to diminish the cost while developing React Native apps. This platform saves both time and money while building up an application.

Offers Attractive UI

You will get a simple and attractive UI with React Native. The framework offers a responsive UI design and saves loading time too. If you want to build an app for your business, getting the right sequence of development is essential and choosing React Native development for cross-platform applications is a perfect choice.

Support Third-Party Plugins

Another key reason behind the huge popularity of this framework is, It supports third-party plugins and offers the options like JavaScript and native modules. If you would like to add the map features to your apps, React Native is an ideal choice.

To sum up

Above mentioned reasons are the best to pick React Native for developing cross-platform applications. Eventually, you must have now understood what is React Native and why it is good for mobile app development. If you are looking to develop a mobile app with this framework, all you need is to hire a reputed React Native app development company.

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