The Advantages Of Landscapes Design
Our toes are tickled by lush green grass… Flowers provide us with rich, vibrant hues… We are enchanted by the lovely aromas of aromatic bushes. It’s simple to appreciate the looks and fragrances that lawns and landscapes provide, but did you realize that their true worth goes well beyond aesthetics and aromas? That’s accurate, well-managed landscapes provide a lot of advantages for both humans and the environment. Let’s look at some of the lesser-known yet crucially important advantages of landscapes.
Environmental Benefits of Landscape Management
Natural Coolers – Grass is far cooler than asphalt or concrete. It serves as an “air conditioner” for the region around it. Lawns may be up to 20 degrees cooler than bare soil and up to 31 degrees cooler than asphalt. However, there’s more. Tree shade may reduce attic temperatures by up to 40 degrees.
Grass helps to clean the environment by absorbing dust, smoke particles, and other pollutants, as well as producing oxygen.
Healthy lawns collect harmful runoff that might otherwise filter into bodies of water, making them water protectors.
Grasses are natural air purifiers because they take carbon dioxide and break it down into oxygen and carbon. A 50’x50′ lawn may really provide adequate oxygen for a household of four.
Noise Minimizers – Lawns and plants minimize noise pollution significantly; they can lower noise levels by 20% to 30% when compared to hard surfaces such as concrete and pavement.
Turfgrass collects runoff into bodies of water and slows it down.
Even in areas where water restrictions and drought prevail, it is vital that lawns and landscapes remain a viable part of healthy communities. There are a number of green solutions that can help lawns and landscapes use less water while still offering considerable environmental benefits.
The Advantages of Urban Landscapes
An increasing amount of evidence demonstrates the importance of including tree canopies and parks in cities and towns. They provide a wide range of lifestyle perks that increase inhabitants’ quality of life.
Parks and tree canopies minimize noise levels
According to recent research conducted by the United States Forest Service, areas with tree-lined roadways and bigger yard trees have lower crime rates.
According to studies, even glancing at plants and trees, even from a window, can reduce stress and blood pressure (Housley and Wolf).
According to research by Marc Berman of the University of Michigan, walking in a natural setting with plants and trees, even in the center of a metropolis, improves attention and memory.
Communities with communal green areas enjoy reduced stress levels, cheaper health-care expenses, and a higher quality of life (Housley and Wolf).
Commercial Landscapes Have a Lot of Advantages
Businesses that supply clients with landscape contractors around buildings and plants within buildings are more successful.
According to a survey, commercial offices with high-quality landscaping had 7% higher rental rates.
Shoppers believe that in central business districts with high-quality tree canopies, they will spend nine to twelve percent more on products and services.
Shoppers say they’ll drive a larger distance and spend more time in a region with a high-quality tree canopy, and they’ll stay longer once they get there.
Companies that allow their staff to contact nature reap the benefits as well. Rachael Kaplan, Ph. D. found that workers who could see nature from their workstations had a considerably higher job and life happiness, as well as improved health.
Benefits on a Physical and Psychological Level
Human connection with plants, trees, and grass has also been extensively researched and documented. People who connect with nature or even watch it through a window experience stress reduction and healing, according to research. Children with ADHD appear to be more focused after spending time outside (Harvard Health Publications). Workers are more productive and their cognitive function improves when they work in surroundings containing plants.
But maybe more significant than what science tells us. What people naturally feel about plants and green spaces in their lives–is that the connection improves. Their lives and they want to make an effort to include them.
According to the Husqvarna Global Garden Report 2012, “63 percent of respondents reported being willing to pay more for an apartment or house if it was located in an area with good green spaces, compared to 34 percent willing to pay more for an area with good shopping and 33 percent willing to pay more for an area with good cultural venues.”