Typically, high schoolers tend to pile up their learning for the last hours. What most high school students do not realise is that they need to maintain a steady learning pace throughout the year to make a notable impact during exams.
Students must avoid getting easily distracted and get their priorities straight and set up a viable study plan to keep a decent pace in their studies.
Here are a few important pieces of advice for International Baccalaureate Diploma students that will help make the most of the crucial 2-year program.
Set a goal for yourself and stick to it.
First and foremost, focus on the fundamentals by establishing clear study objectives. Those who have gone across the globe for this chance to attend university, should ask themselves as to why they are there. Having a good time is undoubtedly an option, but it’s not more important than having a clear idea of what you want to accomplish. Once you set the goal, half the battle is won.
Make a Study Routine
Students must prepare a weekly study schedule for themselves. Follow a regimen. If you’re a student of an International School in Tokyo, you’ll want to keep track of your sleeping and eating times, as well as the amount of time you devote to studying. Since every situation is unique, there isn’t a set guideline that should be followed blindly. However, having a habit is crucial, so do your best to keep to your timetable.
Identify which learning method suits you.
Every student has a unique way of studying. Some learners prefer getting audio lessons, whereas some prefer visual learning. Many learn better through hands-on experiences.
If you respond better to learning certain lessons in school, note the teaching procedure and continue following it. After attending a lecture make sure to go through the textbooks and make notes as it will help you to have more clarity and it will be a revision too.
Participate actively in class discussions.
High school classes are important and you need to put your utmost attention during a class. So, actively participating in class discussions gives you an upper hand in understanding the learning material and remembering the discussed information.
Do your best to participate, even if you’re a timid person by nature. As your professors or classmates talk, write down any thoughts that come to mind. If you’re anxious about speaking in front of a group, go back to them later.
Set up an environment for productive learning
Students of the International Baccalaureate Diploma must try to create a healthy learning environment for themselves. Of course, it is not completely under your control to create a favourable learning environment, however, you must control as much as you can.
For instance, during a class, you must not sit beside a friend who distracts you continuously or demotivates you. Rather than that, try to sit near the front row of the class for maximum interaction with the teachers. When studying at home, prepare a formal and organized study space. Sit on a chair that allows you to comfortably sit straight without making you fall asleep.
Taking notes
Noting important fundamentals helps you connect better with the study material. However, you must make sensible notes so that you can understand them while revising. Use diagrams, bullet points, or colour-coded pencils to organise your thoughts. If drawing images helps you grasp and recall information, go ahead and do it.
Remove any distraction
Of all the tips above from the best International School in Tokyo, this one is the most important. Study shows multitasking is a myth. Hence, if you are thinking that you can concentrate on your study while checking your friend’s text, you are wrong. When you receive texts from your friends during your study time, you will inevitably get distracted by them. Hence, avoid keeping your phone in the study space and turn off notifications during the class and use apps that help you to avoid social media or addictive games during study time.
Restrict your social life
It would be wrong to ask any student to give up their social life for studying all day. But, you can control the intensity of your social activity. International Baccalaureate Diploma is advised to share their study schedule with family and friends to avoid any uncalled distraction.
If you are a movie geek and love to watch movies with your friend every week, cut that down to once every two weeks. When someone asks you to accompany them during your study hours for the sake of hanging out, learn to say no. Stay focused on what is important.
Socialising is an important part of growing up. Having fun, hitting the gym and hanging out with friends are necessary, but not at the cost of compromising your study routine. Hence, to perform better in classes, maintain your study timetable and focus less on adventures.
Every student faces the challenge of staying focused, while very few work on it. There are a variety of strategies you may use to assist yourself to stay focused on your studies.
No particular approach works for all. Hence, everyone needs separate ways to deepen their concentration level. Hope the above-mentioned strategies will provide you with numerous insights on how to stay focused while studying and attending classes.
According to the best International School in Tokyo, it is up to the high schoolers to maintain their concentration level. Students must eradicate all possible distractions and focus on what’s important. Adventures are important to make your mind feel fresh, however, you must not trade off your study routine for just having fun.