Learning pages for children
Learning pages for children
CP Special: 10 tips for learning stress-free reading
Does your child go to first grade? To help your child on the path to reading, Learning pages here are ten simple tips that can help you in this wonderful year! – learn
Also read: I word for kids
1) Help your child master the spoken word.
Language is an old story for your little CP. However, when searching for a written word, fluency in the spoken word is very important. Add something and its name, use the right words to tell the story of the day and explain. Be careful not to take any turns of child abuse, and give missing words. The closer the written language and spoken language get, the easier it is for the child to move from one to the other.
2) Stay calm; Reading is an adventure that takes time.
“Ah, you go to first grade: you will learn to read!” Of course, reading in first grade is an important moment to learn. But the nursery school is already gradually preparing your children for basic learning (language acquisition, group work, sensory activities, and world exploration). Learning to read will continue in CE1 and until the end of primary school, deepening comprehension.
3) Let your kids run at their own pace.
Each child learns in their own way and at their own pace, depending on their personality, family environment, and the organization that the teacher regulates in their classroom. In general, the speed of children differs: first graders can not read on the same day! And remarks to the class on the sidewalk (“Oh, mine, he’s read Harry Potter already!”) Should be avoided with caution!
4) Ensure and encourage.
All children have learned to walk, talk and be clean. However, after leaving kindergarten, do you have the impression that your child may be a fi, is your child going to first grade? To help your child on the path to reading, here are ten simple tips that can help you in this wonderful year! It’s true; It is difficult to learn to read. In the beginning, we move so slowly that the meaning is revealed and lost. Yet your child is ready to reach this life-changing milestone. Make sure you give it the best help you can.
5) Trust the teacher.
Your child is in good hands, and his teacher has taught him to read. As a teacher, this is his job, and he follows government programs. Through his skills and the relationships he will build with his students, he knows where he is going. Trust him and stay at the speed he has chosen. Try not to go any further with your children; You risk putting them in a strange situation. And if the teacher gives you advice, then follow it!
6) Continue reading stories at night
What a pleasure to read one after the other!Learning pages In the long run, you need to make it even easier for him to access texts that are more complex.
7) Respect your reading choices.
Your child may be attracted to specific writing that you have not chosen for yourself. The most important thing is that he wants to read them: Avoid criticizing him for a book, not “seriously” or “very childishly”: if he likes it, it’s because the book suits him.
8) Make reading a game
At school, your little CP works hard! So in the evening, after a bit of reading requested by the teacher, no need to add more! On the other hand, round reading, thousands of games can be improved:
Understand grain cans and shop signs.
Grab a recipe.
Read a story in two voices.
Write a postcard to grandma.
Reading is a part of life, and your children will eventually wonder how much they have access to it!
9) Respect the required sleep time.
Reading requires attention. Here’s a magic recipe for: Sleep! A child needs a good night’s sleep to be able to spend the whole day at school. Many frustrated teachers have heard their students talk about a TV show that airs the day before 10pm; students fall asleep with their fingers on the line for the morning break! Is school tomorrow So we go to bed early and at regular intervals. Do you have problems sleeping? A quiet home and a good book will solve the problem soon!
10) What to do if you think there is a problem?
.It takes time to learn to read. A temporary difficulty should not be confused with real reading problems such as dyslexia, which are not normally diagnosed until CE2. If you are concerned, the first precaution is to check your children’s vision and hearing. Then contact your teacher through the contact book: He knows your children well now and will be able to help you.