Pipelines transport vast amounts of liquids and gases (collectively called fluids) efficiently all over the world. But for them to work efficiently. They need a regulating body to decide the amount of flow and to start and stop it. It is the valves that regulate the flow rate and act as switches to start and stop the flow.
The Flow control valve obstructs pipes or passageways of liquids and gases either entirely or partially in order to control the flow rate. We come across many valves every day but might never notice them. We open and close taps to control the flow of water. Regulators control the flow of gas from our gas pipelines as well as valve. Our cookers also have a gas control valve. Besides being found in man-made things, these valves are also found in our bodies. Blood flow in our body is control by valves in our hearts.
The valve can either made of plastic or metal, and it can control via handles, levers, pedals, or wheels, or it can control automatically. For effective control of fluid flow. The outer part is usually metal or plastic, called the seat, and the interior is generally made of plastic or rubber valves. A valve’s body is the part that fits on the seat and controls flow by opening and closing partially or completely based on the flow rate required.
Generally, ball valves are quarter-turn valves (you turn the lever by 90 degrees to start or stop the flow). There are hollow, perforated, pivoting balls called floating balls. The flow of fluids occurs through this valve. By rotating the lever or handle to 90 degrees, the ball’s hole aligns with the pipe opening and the flow begins. The hole turns around when the lever is turn by 90 degrees again, and the ball blocks the opening of the pipe, preventing the flow.

There are many types of ball valve use in various industries depending on their designs, sizes, and pressure handling capacities. There are full port, reduced port, cavity filler, V port, trunnion ball valves, and multiport valve.
It is necessary to have a free flow rate of fluids when using the full port valve. An oversized ball with a large hole allows huge quantities to flow through this valve. However, reduced port valves are preferred when high pressure is required in the flow. Pipe heads used in car washes are a common example. We use this type of valve in them because we need pressure in water flow. In general, trunnion ball valves have a disc or anchoring above and below the valve to accommodate large and high-pressure flow rates.
As well as playing a major role in the transportation of fluids in various industries, such as oil and petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and food and beverage industries. Valves are also important components of many types of machinery.
Aira Euro Automation is a leading valve manufacturer in India. Aira has a wide range of industrial valves. They are leading the valve industry since 1990.
Also, read Pressure Relief Valves in Industries