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6 Exciting Color Concepts A Corporate Logo Designer Must Know

corporate logo designer

Every brand needs the right color palette that highlights the business’s strength and delights its branding campaign. Be it a business or fashion brand, choosing the right color is important to help customers perceive the brand as they have to be. The brand color a business selects for its products or services will strongly impact a company’s reputation. Colors work at the primal level, build emotion and make viewers exactly feel what they are trying to. This is the fact that leads a corporate logo designer to learn about color psychology and understand its use. 

Color theory is a famous concept that every graphic designer learns to know the best use of them. Like fonts, color too has meaning and specific emotions that express what a drawing is expressing or which type of characteristics it possesses. However, colors are in a broader range that we can not count and use individually or in pairs to express emotions. When it comes to logo designing, one must be very choosy or specific in color selection because the motive is to represent business ambition. 

Here we have rounded up some of the beautiful colors that logo designers must use and add to their palette to give business logos a vivid look. 

What Colors Your Corporate Logo Design Must Have In?

Logo designs are the face of brands showing what a company does or has to offer its customers. Logos work as an identity symbol for businesses that make them well-known in the market with their uniqueness, attractive features, and appealing aesthetics. What they comprise are images, patterns, texts, fonts, icons, shapes, and colors. All these elements form a single image that holds a brand’s message, mission, vision, and values. 

Besides other design elements, colors are the most crucial elements that put life into logos and give them specific emotions or meanings to convey. However, a business can choose various logo designs, but what matters is the color they choose. If they pick the right color for their design, the final logo will have depth and powerful emotions, triggering the viewer’s mind and heart. This is what businesses expect from their logo to gather more crowds on their table. It all starts when a corporate logo designer has the right color palette. 

Here is how logo designers should be during color selection and pick the right one. Let’s dive in!

Red is considered the universal sign for expressing excitement, anger, and passion. The color is associated with deep emotions and feelings that immediately draw viewers’ attention and make them lost in it. Brands that want the show to appear loud, playful, and modern should think red and make their logo a design having a strong impact. Moreover, science states that the human eye gets instantly attracted to red color, especially in babies. Red color has the potential to get attract more eyes within no time. So businesses must go for it!

In the race to get a creative logo for your enterprise, make your logo playful with orange color. Orange color gives an energetic punch to anything. When included in the logo, it makes your brand symbol a memorable design. Depending upon their muted or bright shade, orange colors signify soft or strong emotions. The color, when added to the logo, gives viewers a luxurious feel and makes them fall for it. Hence, companies that want to do the same should fill their brand symbol with orange. 

In a rush to appear attractive to customers, logo designs should look friendly with yellow color. It’s not necessary to be always impressive. Instead, a friendly feel can also do the same. However, yellow is the first paint color that is blendable with other colors. You can make more color by blending yellow. In logo designs, the yellow color is known for expressing freshness with a light shade while expressing influence with deep gold color. Thus, businesses that want to show potential or radiate their brand with energy should have yellow to their brand image. 

Want to give an original feel or create natural vibes? Green is there to have in your brand design. Usually, we associate green with nature and culture, but in business, it signifies growth. The green color in your brand also denotes credibility and gives viewers ample chances to have positive vibes regarding your brand. It shows growth only and ensures customers are at the right place where they will be more valued. Moreover, many famous brands like Starbucks, Engro, and all the dairy brands use green color in their logo to express purity and win customers’ hearts. 

Blue signifies maturity and trustworthiness. Startups or budding enterprises must include blue in their logos to influence the market. Remember that blue is the king of colors and makes the design look beautiful. It has soft emotions and in-depth feelings that promote calmness. However, the color falls in the list of primary colors and does wonders with things when added. 

Want to appear luxurious? Purple is the right choice to create these vibes in your brand. Purple is considered one of the historical colors and has a different concept—people associate this color with wealth. Earlier, people wearing purple-dyed clothes were considered rich, and the same concept is associated with businesses. Thus, purple is perfect for businesses that want to appear luxurious in customers’ minds. 


Colors are the most important design elements that complete any design. Without colors, a drawing is useless and has nothing to convey. Similarly, in the brand makes, colors play an important role in multiple ways. They give brands the right meaning, evoke emotions, and set the right tone. This is what a business brand demands to have in it and why it would not be? Thus a corporate logo designer must have complete knowledge about colors and their meanings. It would help them make the perfect brand symbols for businesses, representing their core values and concerns.

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